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Saturday, March 25, 2006

excerpts from healing themes

since that post is so hard to read in one lump like that i thought i'd isolate some tidbits. it would sadden me to think of them being lost in the mass.

"A lot of how I see the series turning out is because it seems to me that this isn't a 'Lord of the Rings' style epic of warrior heroes; it feels a lot closer to 'The Secret Garden' or 'Little White Horse'or even 'Great Expectations'-- a darker, more elaborate version of thechild healer story. "

JKR says she didn't set out to write achildren's story-- I think she set out to write a story that requiredchildren, as symbols of renewal and the possibilty of starting again.

One thing nearly all of Rowling's favorite books have in common ............ is that they're dramas of recognition, or re-cognition-- the central event is the protagonist going back over events that she saw one way, with one set of assumptions, and re-thinking everything because of new knowledge about the past and about people'smotivations.

that is the clincher for me. that rings SO true. HBP was all about that. going over a lot of ground in more depth that had been covered in previous books and seeing more significance in them.

i think re-seeing the past is going to uncover the horcruxes and give all the clues that dumbledore has left with harry. all the things he ALREADY knows.



Blogger MommyLydia said...

I like the idea that the last book is NOT going to be a Horcrux hunt (to destroy them) but, rather, just finding the Horcruxes and finding out they are already taken care of.

7:54 am  

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