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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

bono and enough rope

i was severely peeved to discover i had missed out on watching bono being interviewed by denton on 'enough rope' last week, but thanks to the joys of the internet found this transcript.

great interview.
andrew denton (possibly unknown outside of australia) is a seriously good interviewer. too bright and witty for his own nerdy good. i'm a great admirer!

ANDREW DENTON: As a man of faith, when you look at Africa, what's your concept of a working God?
BONO: Look on the God thing I have to be really careful because I'm not a very good advertisement and so I don't want to sit there and say, "I'm a man of faith," Yes, I am, I just can't. I recently read in one of St Paul's letters where it describes all of the fruits of the spirit, and I had none of them.
ANDREW DENTON: You fulfil a Christian ideal.
BONO: No, I don't think so. All the commandments I've broken and the ones I haven't I've probably wanted to. But that said, I do have a faith and it is challenged on a daily basis by what I see in Africa. Yes, and yet more than that I have a sense that really people are the problem. We're the problem, really. God gets a lot of bad press. The tsunami was very eloquent in a way, the response. There's a natural disaster, this awful misnomer, Mother Nature, it's just dreadful. But in Africa you have an avoidable catastrophe of tsunami proportions every week. So we have the technology, we have the resources, we have the resources if we have the will.So I've gone through my shouting at God, I've gone through my angry phase but I finally end up looking at my own indolence and fighting with it, an indifference. Because I have it, too. And I feel that I'm not alone in this. I feel there's a generation of people. I kind of realised this isn't something we can really blame God for. This is about us, really. So that's where I am on it.

most likely says a lot about me that i am always so moved by people's honesty about their struggles in living their faith, but i found this transperancy inspiring and invigorating as well as endearing.
and the spotlight on our own culpability in these issues was a lesson i am trying to live.



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