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Location: Queensland, Australia

Thursday, March 02, 2006

the limitations of type

here is my post from muggle matters.
felt it may have been getting a little off topic so, if you wanted to comment, or continue the conversation, please do so here.....

this is where acadamia frustrates me a little. thouroughly knowing the forms and having a rigourous approach is something i admire and aspire to (though doubt i'll ever have the time/discipline to achieve that!)but it seems that people lose the ability to just receive from something. so it has to fit into this or that box to have merit. i know that sometimes things not fitting can be because they are sloppily done. but sometimes it is a good thing, and can be because they may transcend those boxes, or even be something new altogether!
this has been my experience with music (particularly in the classical world, there are - as you can imagine - some real stylistic snobs out there. i have my own share of cultural snobbism. i'm not immune! but i think i see it *shrug*). there are certain types of music that you enjoy the more you understand, and that can be quite cerebral. i love that. but it's not the be all and end all.

any thoughts?
happy to have my mind changed at any time!



Blogger Pauli said...

I think I hear what you're saying. Music should speak to the heart, but for some people it stays in the realm of the mind. Leave it up there too long and, well, "Snobbery Happens".

11:34 pm  
Blogger jkr2 said...

lol pauli.

do you think the same can be said for the literary arts as well?


7:33 pm  
Blogger Merlin said...

Hey Jo, where you going weith that, gun in your hand?
just kidding - that Hendrix song just popped into my head when I wrote "Hey Jo"
Anyway, didn't want you to think I was ignoring this post ... just been running ragged lately ... mine and Pauli's friend Nate were jsut sitting on the couch for about an hour, pretty much spaced out and immobile, both just kind of wiped out for various reasons - told his son to go get his wand and point it at us and say "enervate" but it didn't work, we were both still at best sort of loopy like Ron in the DOM on book 5, except it was "should probably get up man" ... "yeah, probably should" (and more immobile silence with a few noises resembling a corss between a chuckle and a cough, his wife was just looking at us sort of laughing a little and shaking her head while she was actually working on something productive)

1:31 pm  
Blogger jkr2 said...

yeh, i get the 'hey jo' a LOT. being a muso and having lots of muso friends you know?
one friend when he says it, always gets a giggle for some reason. you did too. :)

my son was pretending a paint brush was a wand the other day. i said 'reparo' when he broke something.

my kids are really into narnia at the moment, since we are reading them outloud - up to the 'last battle' - and we found some old bbc versions at the library.

thanks for responding, as i was thinking my blog was a bit of 'old history'.... but don't worry about it!

hope you aren't running yourselves too ragged.


10:53 pm  

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