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Saturday, July 15, 2006

'nuff said....

J.K. Rowling interview transcript, The Connection (WBUR Radio), 12 October, 1999
Transcript Courtesy's Transcription Project

There’s an important kind of redemptive pattern to Snape

JKR: He, um, there’s so much I wish I could say to you, and I can’t because
it would ruin. I promise you, whoever asked that question, can I just say to you
that I’m slightly stunned that you’ve said that and you’ll find out why I’m so
stunned if you read Book 7. That’s all I’m going to say.


Blogger Merlin said...

Ahhh, the Snape quote from Rowling ... I was thinking it was a link (by the by, you should put up the links to the full interviews ... of course, in saying that I reveal myself as a lazy pirate, which means that you may have indeed already put up said links and said lazy pirate just missed them :) ) and I was running around going "where is it? Where is the Snape Snape?" (you really must get around to seeing Dead Man's Chest :) )

Very interesting though. sounds as if Snape will be redeemed in book 7, that means there is definitely some problem with him (ie, it would, at least it would seem to me [which does not necessarily make it so, of course] to rule out a Snape being a "complete good guy" just in disguise)
But the main thing it whirs my brain on is the instances of said redemptive pattern in the other books. I can think of the instances but would love to know at what level Rowling sees the redemptions (ie, does Snape actually make a turn in a particular instance or is it only a revelation that he was on the right side ... PS/SS definitely seems like mainly revelation, GOF seems like he makes a distinct action for sort of a "proving" himself when he uses VS on BC Jr)

This would lead to other elements in the books that you/we/I might not have thought of as connected before and thus broaden out the meanings etc ... of course it would also reveal things that said authoress does not want revealed until "the opportune moment."

Oh *looking piningly off into the distance*, when shall this too long night end ... and book 7 finally be released

Oh well, :)

But I did think of somehting just now ... In a lot of books/stories you often have some "recap" device at a certain point, a kind of synopsis of the major points of the main action so that you can proceed with the main action with the central elements sort of Fresh in your memory. If I were a more studious and clever reader I would have seen from the beginning of book 6 that Snape was the HBP becuase the main action of book 6 (titled HBP) was going to be about Snape because it is him that she basically "recaps" in having him answer Bella's questions.

What I am trying to think through right now is what books he Bellah did not touch on, and whether their omission is significant - I think they omitted books 2 and 3 basically - although they are generally covered under the question of "why did you let Harry Potter live, even after you realized he was 'mediocre'" - but I don't remember any specifics
-"leading up to book 1" was covered in the issue of his "job security" and staying out of Azkaban
-Book 1 was covered in why he kept Quirrel from the stone
-Book 4 was "why didn't you return right away" and the 2 hour wait, as well as the usefulness of Potter's blood.
-Book 5 was "why did you not fight with us at the ministry?"

So, I'm trying to think of books 2 and 3 in that regards to Snape ... hmmm, going to have to ponder some more.

5:34 am  
Blogger jkr2 said...

i do show where i got the quote from, but can't do that link thing exactly. i gave up on your tutorial, sorry, merlin. i'm slack like that. i need someone actually *showing me* how to do it.
(i'm embarassed at how thick i am about such things)

i think book 3 is as much about snape as the maurauders. so there simply MUST be a whole swag of clues there.
however i'm not sure what info would be relevant to bellatrix. or if it's stuff that voldy would have found out about.

thinking how he kept the children safe rather than let werewolf/lupin get them and then he has 'killed two birds with one stone' in a way that would lay verylittle blame at his own feet and possibly implicate sirius at the same time.

would any of that have gotten back to voldemort? would it have been relevant to him? he's not a major player in book 3 really.

i am looking forward to a clear moment to read those two links on pauli's new post about horcruxes.

i just think it's absolutely clear from this, that snape isn't absolutely evil.
just not nice.
seeing his story play out is almost as exciting as the horcruxes i think.

and i do need to get pirates out. i tried ok! it was all out.

will scrape some gold together and try again next week.


1:34 pm  

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